

    Products are warranted for 2 years from the date of purchase. Batteries and chargers warranty is 1 year.

    If the tool becomes defective due to faulty materials and/or workmanship, within the warranty period, STANLEY will undertake to correct the defect without charge. Please return the complete unit, transportation prepaid, to any local STANLEY Service Center with valid STANLEY warranty card AND proof of purchase (invoice or receipt copy).

    This warranty DOES NOT APPLY TO:

    • Normal wear and tear parts: e.g. carbon brush, cord, plug and chuck;
    • Attachments and accessories;
    • Unauthorized repair, alteration/modification;
    • Damage caused by foreign objects, substances, accidents, obvious misuse, abuse, neglect and improper applications.

    These terms only cover the general warranty policy in the Asia region. Details may vary from country to country, please consult the local STANLEY Service Center for more details or contact us.


    Products are warranted for 2 years from the date of purchase. Batteries and chargers warranty is 1 year.

    If the tool becomes defective due to faulty materials and/or workmanship, within the warranty period, STANLEY will undertake to correct the defect without charge. Please return the complete unit, transportation prepaid, to any local STANLEY Service Center with valid STANLEY warranty card AND proof of purchase (invoice or receipt copy).

    This warranty DOES NOT APPLY TO:

    • Normal wear and tear parts: e.g. carbon brush, cord, plug and chuck;
    • Attachments and accessories;
    • Unauthorized repair, alteration/modification;
    • Damage caused by foreign objects, substances, accidents, obvious misuse, abuse, neglect and improper applications.

    These terms only cover the general warranty policy in the Asia region. Details may vary from country to country, please consult the local STANLEY Service Center for more details or contact us.


    Products are warranted for 2 years from the date of purchase. Batteries and chargers warranty is 1 year.

    If the tool becomes defective due to faulty materials and/or workmanship, within the warranty period, STANLEY will undertake to correct the defect without charge. Please return the complete unit, transportation prepaid, to any local STANLEY Service Center with valid STANLEY warranty card AND proof of purchase (invoice or receipt copy).

    This warranty DOES NOT APPLY TO:

    • Normal wear and tear parts: e.g. carbon brush, cord, plug and chuck;
    • Attachments and accessories;
    • Unauthorized repair, alteration/modification;
    • Damage caused by foreign objects, substances, accidents, obvious misuse, abuse, neglect and improper applications.

    These terms only cover the general warranty policy in the Asia region. Details may vary from country to country, please consult the local STANLEY Service Center for more details or contact us.

    保証期間:お買い上げ日より2年間/充電池、充電器については 1 年

    1. 取扱説明書や製品ラベルに記載されている注意書きに従った使用状況で、本製品が故障し
      た場合には、無償修理 をいたします。無償修理をご依頼になる場合は、以下のものを、お買い上げの販売店、またはスタンレーまでご持参、 ご送付ください。その際の諸費用は、お客様の負担となります。 ・製品 ・必要事項を記入した本書 ・レシート(領収書)またはそのコピー
    2. スタンレー認定サービスセンターが保証対象の認定を行います。
    3. 次の場合は、本保証書規定の対象外となり、有料の修理または交換となります。
    • 本書、お買い上げの日付を証明するレシート(領収書)またはそのコピーがない場合
    • オークションや、中古品など新品でご購入した以外の場合
    • 移動、落下、水没など製造上の問題以外による故障および損傷
    • 使用上の誤りや注意書きを無視した使用による故障および損傷
    • 不当な修理や改造による故障および損傷
    • 火災・地震などの天災、騒乱などの人災、公害や異常電圧などの環境による故障および損傷
    • 海外など、ご利用電源が 100V(50 / 60Hz)でない環境でのご使用による故障および損傷
    • 保証期間経過後のご依頼
    • 温度、湿度など適正な環境以外でのご使用による故障および損傷
    • 過負荷をかけ続けた場合、または不具合が発生していながら継続ご使用による故障および損傷
    • 製品上に刻印されているデートコードが認識できない場合
    • セット品のうち一部の製品においてセット内の他製品とデートコードが一致しない場合
    • 製品を貸与されてのご使用による故障および損傷
    • 高い頻度のご使用で、定期的なメンテナンスやサービスがない場合の故障および損傷
    1. 本書は日本国内においてのみ有効です。This warranty is valid only in Japan.
    2. 本書は再発行いたしませんので、紛失しないように大切に保管してください。
    3. 本規定は、以上の保証規定により修理・交換をお約束するためのもので、これによりお客様の法律上の権利を 制限するものではありません。
    4. 本規定は予告なく変更されることがあります。

    ※ ビット、ノコ刃、サンドペーパー、掃除機フィルター、チェーン刃等の消耗品は保証の対象外です。

    詳細については、お近くの STANLEY サービス センターにお問い合わせいただくか、お問い合 わせください


    Products are warranted for 2 years from the date of purchase. Batteries and chargers warranty is 1 year.

    If the tool becomes defective due to faulty materials and/or workmanship, within the warranty period, STANLEY will undertake to correct the defect without charge. Please return the complete unit, transportation prepaid, to any local STANLEY Service Center with valid STANLEY warranty card AND proof of purchase (invoice or receipt copy).

    This warranty DOES NOT APPLY TO:

    • Normal wear and tear parts: e.g. carbon brush, cord, plug and chuck;
    • Attachments and accessories;
    • Unauthorized repair, alteration/modification;
    • Damage caused by foreign objects, substances, accidents, obvious misuse, abuse, neglect and improper applications.

    These terms only cover the general warranty policy in the Asia region. Details may vary from country to country, please consult the local STANLEY Service Center for more details or contact us.


    Products are warranted for 2 years from the date of purchase. Batteries and chargers warranty is 1 year.

    If the tool becomes defective due to faulty materials and/or workmanship, within the warranty period, STANLEY will undertake to correct the defect without charge. Please return the complete unit, transportation prepaid, to any local STANLEY Service Center with valid STANLEY warranty card AND proof of purchase (invoice or receipt copy).

    This warranty DOES NOT APPLY TO:

    • Normal wear and tear parts: e.g. carbon brush, cord, plug and chuck;
    • Attachments and accessories;
    • Unauthorized repair, alteration/modification;
    • Damage caused by foreign objects, substances, accidents, obvious misuse, abuse, neglect and improper applications.

    These terms only cover the general warranty policy in the Asia region. Details may vary from country to country, please consult the local STANLEY Service Center for more details or contact us.


    Products are warranted for 2 years from the date of purchase. Batteries and chargers warranty is 1 year.

    If the tool becomes defective due to faulty materials and/or workmanship, within the warranty period, STANLEY will undertake to correct the defect without charge. Please return the complete unit, transportation prepaid, to any local STANLEY Service Center with valid STANLEY warranty card AND proof of purchase (invoice or receipt copy).

    This warranty DOES NOT APPLY TO:

    • Normal wear and tear parts: e.g. carbon brush, cord, plug and chuck;
    • Attachments and accessories;
    • Unauthorized repair, alteration/modification;
    • Damage caused by foreign objects, substances, accidents, obvious misuse, abuse, neglect and improper applications.

    These terms only cover the general warranty policy in the Asia region. Details may vary from country to country, please consult the local STANLEY Service Center for more details or contact us.


    Products are warranted for 2 years from the date of purchase. Batteries and chargers warranty is 1 year.

    If the tool becomes defective due to faulty materials and/or workmanship, within the warranty period, STANLEY will undertake to correct the defect without charge.
    Please return the complete unit, transportation prepaid, to any local STANLEY Service Center with valid STANLEY warranty card AND proof of purchase (invoice or receipt copy).

    This warranty DOES NOT APPLY TO:

    • Normal wear and tear parts: e.g. carbon brush, cord, plug and chuck;
    • Attachments and accessories;
    • Unauthorized repair, alteration/modification;
    • Damage caused by foreign objects, substances, accidents, obvious misuse, abuse, neglect and improper applications.

    These terms only cover the general warranty policy in the Asia region. Details may vary from country to country, please consult the local STANLEY Service Center for more details or contact us.

    스탠리 2년 품질보증서

    핵심 부품인 모터만 2년간 품질 보증하며, 보증 기간내에 제품의.

    제조상 하자로 발생한 결함에 대해서는 무상으로 수리해 드립니다.
    (일반 소모성 부품과, 배터리, 충전기의 보증기간은 1년 입니다) 서비스를 받으셔야 할 경우, 본 보증카드의 공란을 모두 작성하셔서 스탠리블랙앤데커 서비스 지정점에 제출하여 주십시오.
    (제품 구입 영수증 또는 거래명세서를 반드시 첨부해주셔야 합니다) 이 품질보증서는 모든 서비스의 기초자료로 활용되오니 반드시 보내 주시기 바랍니다. <제품 보증서 작성항목>

    • 고객님의 성함, 연락처
    • 제품 구매 대리점명
    • 제품 구매일
    • 제품 모델명 및 생산 코드 (제품에 음각표기 확인) 단, 아래 사항은 품질보증에 해당되지 않으므로, 무상수리를 받으실 수 없습니다.
    • 스위치, 카본브러쉬, 코드, 플러그, 척 및 소모품이 자연적으로 소모되었을 경우
    • 액세서리 제품 (사용 중 마모 및 파손, 분실 경우)
    • 임의 수리, 개조 또는 용도 변경하여 사용 중 발생된 모든 사항
    • 외부의 충격, 사고, 천재지변, 정규전압으로 사용하지 않은 경우
    • 소비자의 과실 및 취급 부주의로 고장 또는 손상된 경우
    • 해당 국가에서 판매되지 않은 제품일 경우 본 품질보증 내용은 스탠리블랙앤데커 한국지사에 한정되며, 각 나라별로 세부 내용은 다를 수 있습니다.

    더욱 자세한 내용을 알고 싶으시면 스탠리블랙앤데커 서비스센터 주시기
    바랍니다 (1577-0933) 로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다

    史丹利電動工具,提供2年整機保修服務 (適用台灣地區)

    如果您購買史丹利電動工具,在此產品從購買日期起計算,可享有兩年之保修期。 其中,鋰電電池和充電器保修期為一年。



    • 未使用史丹利原廠零件而導致損壞;

    • 在正常磨損下而更換之零件如:碳刷、電源線、插頭、夾頭、開關、 軸承、外殼、齒輪及O型環;

    • 隨機附送之附件及配件 (如鑽頭、起子頭、軍刀鋸片、皮帶掛勾…等);

    • 天災、地變、雷擊等意外事故;

    • 錯誤使用∕濫用∕使用上過失(如誤接錯誤電源、電池∕充電器受潮或過熱…明顯之人為    損壞或發現不依照操作說明使用) 導致外觀損傷;

    • 未經本公司授權之人員所進行之維修、修改、拆裝;

    • 平行輸入產品(水貨,非經由台灣總經銷商出貨之產品)


    詳情請諮詢當地的STANLEY服務中心 聯繫我們





    這意味著產品製造不正確或某些組件不符合設計規格。Stanley Tools在其工廠及其供應商中擁有高質量標準,我們100%的產品在出廠前都經過檢驗,但Stanley Tools對其產品的任何材料或工藝缺陷提供保修。





    • 吹,適合或外部衝擊。
    • 在操作過程中引入異物(例如螺釘,金屬零件等)。
    • 按照說明手冊(如適用)的建議缺乏維護。
    • 氣動工具中油過多或缺油。
    • 由於通過氣動工具軟管傳輸而損壞空氣連接。
    • 使用修改槓桿臂的擴展。
    • 使用工具進行不適合的工作,例如作為頭部不合適的螺絲刀等。
    • 使用非原裝替換零件。
    • 對原始規範之外的工具進行的任何修改。



    如有問題或保修,請聯繫Stanley Tools代表。



    • 如果產品已在非正常條件下使用,例如過載。
    • 事故或誤用造成的損壞。
    • 使用不合適的配件。
    • 如果產品未按照隨附手冊中的說明操作。
    • 如果產品已被未經我們授權的人員更改或修理。

    此外,對於電動工具,線路到電池,壓縮機和高壓清洗機產品,此保修不包括磨損的部件或部件,如碳,軸承,襯套,過濾器或附件。對於洗衣機,配件被認為是手槍,軟管,吊桿或不屬於設備主體的任何其他部件。這些部件將以成本替換給客戶。電池是遭受自然磨損的部件,因此從購買之日起享有3個月的保修期。STANLEY保修包括對客戶免費維修,保修產品和/或其組件。 注意:僅在墨西哥和阿根廷,此保證包括國家服務網絡內的運輸費用。僅適用於墨西哥:包括授權服務中心列表,您可以在其中使用我們的保修和/或獲取零件,組件,消耗品和附件。STANLEY承諾在我們的授權服務中心收到產品後不超過30個工作日內交付產品。

    要聲明保修,您必須在STANLEY中出示帶有購買發票副本的工具。STANLEY擁有全國最大的服務網絡之一,擁有訓練有素的技術人員來維護和維修整個STANLEY產品線。聯盟:0800-703-4644 或查看我們的網站:,找出哪一個最接近您的位置。

    ใบรับประกันผลิตภัณฑ์ STANLEY

    ผลิตภัณฑ์นี้มีระยะเวลารับประกัน 2 ปี นับจากวันที่ซื้อ แบตเตอรี่ และ เครื่องชาร์จรับประกัน 1 ปี

    ถ้าหากผลิตภัณฑ์นี้ได้รับความเสียหายอันเนื่องมาจากความบกพร่องในการผลิต STANLEY จะรับผิดชอบความเสียหายโดยไม่คิดค่าใช้จ่าย

    กรุณาส่งผลิตภัณฑ์นี้พร้อมค่าขนส่งต้นทาง และ ใบรับประกัน รวมทั้งใบเสร็จของห้าง/ร้าน ทำการซื้อขายให้กับศูนย์บริการของ STANLEY ใกล้บ้านท่าน การรับประกันนี้ไม่รวม

    • ชิ้นส่วนที่สึกหรอตามปกติ เช่น แปรงถ่าน สายไฟ ปลั๊ก หัวจับดอกสว่าน และ แบตเตอรี่ อุปกรณ์เสริม และ อุปกรณ์ประกอบ
    • ผลิตภัณฑ์จะต้องไม่ผ่านความพยายามที่จะซ่อมแซม หรือ แก้ไขโดยบุคคล หรือศูนย์บริการที่ไม่ได้รับการแต่งตั้งอย่างเป็นทางการจากทางบริษัทฯ
    • ความเสียหายจากวัสดุแปลกปลอม, อุบัติเหตุ, การใช้งานผิดประเภท, การใช้งานในทางที่ผิด, การละเลย

    รายละเอียดอาจแตกต่างกันในแต่ละประเทศ โปรดติดต่อศูนย์บริการในประเทศของท่านเพื่อรับทราบข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม


    Sản phẩm này được bảo hành trong kể từ ngày mua theo quy định của hãng tùy theo mỗi quốc gia. Bảo hành pin Lithium và bộ sạc 1 năm.

    Nếu sản phẩm bị lỗi do vật liệu bị lỗi hoặc bị kém chất lượng trong thời gian còn bảo hành, STANLEY sẽ sửa chữa hoàn toàn miễn phí.

    Xin vui lòng trả sản phẩm bị hỏng cùng với chi phí vận chuyển (nếu cần), đến bất kỳ Trung tâm Dịch Vụ Bảo Hành STANLEY gần nhất kèm theo phiếu bảo hành STANLEY hợp lệ và bằng chứng mua hàng (hóa đơn hoặc bản sao bien nhận)

    Dịch vụ bảo hành SẼ KHÔNG áp dụng cho:

    • Các bộ phận hao mòn tự nhiên: ví dụ: chổi than, dây dẫn điện, phích cắm, bạc đạn, vỏ nhựa, bánh răng, vòng đệm cao su
    • Các phụ kiện đi kèm
    • Tự ý sửa chữa, cải tạo, thay đổi trên máy
    • Hư hỏng gây ra bởi các tác động từ bên ngoài, do các chất, vật thể lạ, do thiên tai hoặc tại nạn, do sử dụng không đúng cách, dùng quá tải, thực hiện vào các ứng dụng không đúng.

    Những điền khoản này chỉ được áp dụng theo chính sách bảo hành chung trong khu vực Châu Á. Một số chi tiết có thể sẽ thay đổi tùy theo mỗi quốc gia.

    Vui lòng tham khảo Trung tâm Dịch vụ STANLEY tại địa phương để biết thêm chi tiết hoặc liên hệ chúng tôi.